搜索 Matyás

  • A man and a woman from a different planet come to the Earth to get a cure for a disease that is apparently threatening to eradicate their civilization. It can only be stopped by a drug made by an Amazonian Indian tribe named Bororo. Only one man on Earth seems to know how to get to the tribe, and the aliens are not the…
  • 1997年,年轻的汽车修理工Iván住在匈牙利东部一个被遗忘的村庄里。他照顾智障姐姐Eszter,并从乌克兰获得额外的走私柴油。平静的生活因为Eszter被人强奸打乱。在警方调查的同时,Iván开始与年轻的Ilus建立关系,他刚刚完成学业并计划去大学。Iván显然想要将他的旧生活抛在脑后,但他能否实现这一雄心壮志?
  • 电影剧情
    一个位于匈牙利平原上的小镇迎来了一个马戏团,最为独特的是这个马戏团有一条鲸鱼的尸体和一个神秘的王子。自从这个马戏团来到这个小镇,所有的秩序都收到干扰,最终爆发了一场暴利与善良的冲突…… 幕后制作 前后制作长达四年,只有39个镜头,却与七个不同的摄影师合作,从美国、匈牙利、德国、法国等,以不同摄影师的独特风格创造出不同的精采…
  • 出生于美国的匈裔导演尼莫洛德的第一部剧情长片,去年戛纳电影节一种注目单元最佳影片,荣获多项国际大奖的肯定,并入围去年奥斯卡最佳外语片的角逐。  一部怪异、有趣、几乎全在布达佩斯地铁站里拍摄的电影,描述一群地铁站验票员的生活,却又带着观众进入到地铁里不为人知的阴暗死角,发现惊悚血腥的秘密。
  • 电影青春
  • It is the 15th c. in Hungary. And young prince Gaspar (Laszlo Galffy) was sent off to Italy when he was just two years old, and now he has come back to his father's castle as a grown man, with a troupe of actors in tow. Once arrived at the castle, he discovers his mother is in a kind of trance state, reportedly drinkin…
  • Mother didn't want to give birth to Matyi. But Matyi was born...
  • Fortuna vendégei
    Anikó and Laci are a middle-aged couple living in a small town in Hungary. Before winning two million euros in 2013, their circumstances were miserable.