- In the fourth installment of the 'Leyenda' saga, Leo San Juan and his gang will take on the Chupacabras.
- Joe, Delia, Rodrigo and Herbert are very close friends in their mid 30's. Delia and Rodrigo are married. Joe is Delia's ex-boyfriend but he turned out to be gay. Herbert, who is also gay, is starting a relationship with a much younger guy. In a boozy night, while Rodrigo is out of town, Joe and Delia sleep together and…
- 劇場公開、2017年6月17日。特撮ヒーローがコラボレーションする同日公開の、『スペース・スクワッド ギャバン VS デカレンジャー』の前日譚。『特捜戦隊デカレンジャー』と『宇宙刑事ギャバン』のヒロインたちが集結。監督は、数々の作品でスタントを務め、『仮面ライダーフォーゼ』や『ウルトラマンギンガS』など多くの特撮ドラマを手がけてき…
- Ching Roi Ching Lan (Thai: ชิงร้อยชิงล้าน), also known as Ching 100 Ching 1,000,000, is a Thai game show. It was first introduced in 1990. It is one of the most popular game shows in Thailand and has survived on screen until now. The…
- Manoja, a girl accustomed with the western style of life and a typically introvert Prabhu, who has never been with a girl in his life. These two getting married - sounds impossible right? But that's what arranged marriages can do! With Manoja and Prabu having different ideas about marriage and sex, they start off on th…