- The Big Gay Sketch Show is an LGBT-themed sketch comedy program that debuted on Logo on April 24, 2007. The series is produced by Rosie O'Donnell and directed by Amanda Bearse. The program was originally titled "The Big Gay Show" but was renamed during production. As the name indicates, the show features come…
- Strange to think that 20 or so years ago Bill Forsyth was one of the rising star directors of British cinema. His breakthrough film, the 1981 film Gregory's Girl, was a beguiling view of a teenage love, bolstered by a memorable debut by John Gordon-Sinclair as the eponymous Greg, a gawky, awkward pupil at a big Scottis…
- On Air with Ryan Seacrest was an American syndicated television talk show, which ran from January 12, 2004, through September 17, 2004. The show was broadcast live from a studio in the Hollywood and Highland complex in Hollywood and featured a background view of the street scene below.On Air struggled in the ratings th…