搜索 Mckenna

  • All Jake has to do is believe to have a better future. At least, according to Chas, his old friend. Oh, and learn to surf before the Chinese satellite comes down.
  • True Horror is a factual supernatural documentary series, made by October Films, for Discovery Europe. Topics will include vampires, de mons, witches and exorcism, with Anthony Head interviewing the experts.恶魔、女巫、吸血鬼、狼人与殭尸,都是挑动我们恐怖想像的狠角色。吸血鬼的故事来自於远东地区,随着商贾的贸易路线流传至东欧。现代吸血鬼传说则以东欧为根据地。巫师在古代文化中,原指身怀魔力,能够预见未来的女祭司或女智者。
  • Writer/director Terence McKenna and producer Stephen Phizicky have crafted a riveting film that recalls the bleak fall of 1970 when a foreign diplomat was kidnapped, when a Canadian politician was kidnapped and murdered, when the War Measures Act was declared and when the streets of Montreal were filled with armed sold…
  • 电影奇幻
    根据英国女作家Angela Carter的同名小说改编,魔幻写实主义电影,87年葡萄牙幻想电影节最佳影片提名。粗略看了下,属于典型的英国式超现实幻想剧。4.5\/5\r\n  卡特的<神奇的玩具店>中的魔幻现实主义色彩.卡特熔古怪离奇的梦幻、现代童话、神话原型和社会现实为一炉,向读者展示出充满魔幻色彩的、鲜活的社会画面.而且透过魔幻与现实的…
  • Still mourning the death of her mother a few years back, ALICE McKINLEY finds her life seriously disrupted when her father BEN buys a store and moves her and her older brother LESTER to a new town. In the painful throes of adolescence, Alice has a rough time adjusting to her new school, especially after she gets the st…
  • 《大河之舞》是一部众所周知的踢踏舞作品,然而,除此之外,还有一部在《大河之舞》之上,令人叫绝的踢踏舞剧,即由踢踏舞王迈克·弗莱利表演的《火焰之舞》。尽管都是以爱尔兰踢踏舞为表现形式,但这部舞剧与《大河之舞》无论是在风格或样式以及表现手法上都有很大的不同。舞剧分为开场、居尔特的哭泣、爱尔兰诗——女神、吉普赛、逃走、为爱而…
  • Violette Bushell is the daughter of an English father and a French mother, living in London in the early years of World War 2. She meets a handsome young French soldier in the park and takes him back for the family Bastille day celebrations. They fall in love, marry and have a baby girl when Violette Szabo receives the…