搜索 Mckenna

  • STEVE MCQUEEN: THE MAN and LE MANS is the story of obsession, betrayal and ultimate vindication. It is the story of how one of the most volatile, charismatic stars of his generation, who seemingly lost so much he held dear in the pursuit of his dream, nevertheless followed it to the end.
  • 伦敦的狄更斯
    Charles Dickens' life sounds like a story that could have come from one of his novels -- his father was imprisoned when Charles was a child, forcing him to find work in a factory to support himself and his family, and it was only after many years of struggle that he began to earn his living as a reporter. In time, Dick…
  • HellaGay
  • 比尔教科学
  • 家族纽带第二季
    In the wake of Eamon Cunningham’s death, the Kinsella family is thriving. However a new threat rears its head when members of a Turkish cartel inform the Kinsellas that Eamon owed a them sizable debt – and since they killed him, the debt i…
  • Murdoch is in Bristol, England, with no memory of who he is and two gunmen chasing him through the streets. With the help of a local pub Landlady he starts to piece together an assassination plot. In Toronto Detective Hamish Sloack is assigned to help find the missing Murdoch.
  • 惊喜食疗
    一个专业营养师 一个专业全科医生 一个专业外科医生,有实验,有数据,有原理的解释说明。非常科学理性。
  • 妙医世家第二季
    康纳一家的每个成员都退出了自己的舒适区,并且经历了一场巨大的变革。 格里芬·康纳(Dillon Casey饰)似乎终于步入正轨,计划重返医学院,但他那黑暗和麻烦的过去继续困扰着他。 同时,老爸艾伦必须在调离原职位后重新进行调整,而梅尔(Sara Canning饰)和Sandy(Sarah Allen饰)在努力寻求家庭、工作和娱乐之间的平衡。 在这一季中,还将推出新角…
  • 迷失男孩第一季
    四名本身没有交集的男生在一次学校组织的户外活动中被分到一组。 他们在徒步穿越森林的过程中意外迷路, 而第二天回到了镇上后, 又似乎进入了另外一个世界。 没人记得他们, 亲人有了不同的生活, 他们好像从未存在过。 男孩们聚在一起希望弄清楚到底发生了什么事, 找到回家的路。神秘的第五个男孩是谁? 他和这些男生之间有什么联系?