搜索 Meital

  • LL a film by Amos Kollek.LL, a young Princeton graduate living in NYC, is in a deep identity crisis. She just lost the woman who raised her, but does not really know who either of her parents were. She receives a call from JJ, a mysterious man who claims to be her father. He lives in a shabby transients hotel. LL has n…
  • 片中两姐妹住在耶路撒冷极保守的犹太区里,区内事无大小,教区长老拉比都有权过问。姐姐维卡十年不育,丈夫恩爱如一,拉比偏要他休妻再娶。妹妹玛卡已有男友,拉比却命她下嫁自己的忠心助手。面对这「神圣」的代理人,她们选择了不同反应。