- Hanif and Dean steal a cache of drugs from Dean's psychotic brother Jerry, and at the last minute get a lift with Mimi as she decides to drive to Perth. They pick up a drunken singer, Morris, as they cross the country, chased by Jerry.
- Wallace is an efficiency expert, managing the high-profile downsizing of a major auto parts factory. But when he is hired to evaluate a small moccasin factory which seems from another era, Wallace has to reconsider the rapid modernization he advocates, as he is confronted by the human faces such plans hurt.
- 对爱里克·德尔寇来说生活永远不会重复。'CSI犯罪现场调查:迈阿密'的制片人Corey Miller暗示影迷们在九月24日第六季上映的时候会看到那位指纹采集和药品鉴定专家解决他的受伤的脑部.在上一季的CSI:迈阿密中, 如Adam Rodriguez的表演那样,Eric Delko被Clavo Cruz雇佣的杀手射中头部还差点死掉.在多种的使之苏醒的尝试和紧张的手术后,他活了下…
- "我们要去巴西",当Horatio对Eric说完这句话,眼看着杀死自己妻子的幕后真凶离开,《CSI:Miami》的第四季就这样完结了,悬念由此产生,大家都在猜想着,Horatio和Eric会去巴西了解此事吗?到了巴西后又有怎样的故事发生,结果就在9月18日开播的Miami新一季,依旧熟悉的场景,强大的阵容,精彩的故事,怎能叫人不心动,热情似火的Mi…