- 一群罪犯发现自己困在生活和嗜血的亡灵。 就我们所知,世界正在改变,一种致命的病毒袭击美国。 在蹂躏的中心城市,一小群未受感染的人与一群犯人不死。 扭曲和转身将他们度过最后一晚,每一个角落?
- Syria is dominated by the Romans. During a summit of Tibullo, Jezel and Tisba, two very skilled thieves who "work" in the crowd, are pursued by some guards but are able to escape. Jezel takes refuge in Ammon's potter's house and invades his daughter, Miriam. As old Mannaen kidnaps the girl, Jezel and Tisba sa…