搜索 Merce

  • BREATH MADE VISIBLE is the first feature length film about the life and career of Anna Halprin, the American dance pioneer who has helped redefine our notion of modern art with her belief in dance's power to teach, heal, and transform at all ages of life. This cinematic portrait blends recent interviews with counterpar…
  • Documentary on several of Mercedes Sosa's performances at different places in the country, and the revival of popular music in the early '80s. The Argentine folk singer Mercedes Sosa was banned in her native land for many years because of her stance against totalitarianism, yet her excellent voice and popular songs kep…
  • A lonely man who operates a film projector finds his only solace in a woman he sees on a film reel. After the reel is lost in an accident, he sets out to find the woman through the remotest, poorest places of the Dominican Republic.
  • 改编自真实的故事,讲述一座阴森隔绝的精神病院里女人的遭遇,全片绝大部分场景都是在封闭压抑的环境中拍摄,女主角Mercedes Carreras因出色的演技而获得当年莫斯科国际电影节最佳女演员奖。Assisted by a ward nurse, a group of young men enjoy occasional romantic rendezvous with the willing fe…
  • 阿根廷独立电影女导演。Visually beautiful and profound. This film is a gem! Although a woman's sensibility (director/writer Mercedes Garcia Guevara) pervades, this work should have universal appeal. It's essentially a story of reclamation and red…
  • 53个冬日将3段关于心理的、感情的、和社会的寻常而复杂的人生短片交织成一个意料之外却又引起共鸣的故事,当电影画完句号,观众们荏苒沉浸在剧情之中。一个冬夜,3个人在车站等车:Mila 是一位曾因被学生攻击而离职一年的教师;Celso 是一个已婚并有一个儿子的保安过着入不敷出的生活,他意外的得知自己又要做父亲了,并且这次是一对双胞胎;V…
  • 电影记录