- 在蔚蓝的大海中央,伫立着一个杀机四伏的小岛。这里盘踞着老虎、狮子、毒蛇等各种猛兽,更有双头巨人等力大无穷暴虐残忍的怪物,然而比他们更厉害的便是走遍世界未逢敌手的传奇水手辛巴达(加斯·维基 Gus Wickie 配音)。他盘踞在岛中央的城堡内,吼声如雷的狮子担当看门犬。他 每天高唱为自己歌功颂德的赞歌,兀自陶醉其中。这一天,地平线尽…
- When we first meet Lucia she is withdrawn and isolated from her friends and family, dealing with anxiety attacks and a legion of secrets. But when she meets bright and carefree Olivia, Lucia seizes the opportunity to break out of her shell and live the life she was afraid to admit she wanted.
- A young woman living on a Caribbean island is searching for her father who is lost at sea. When her estranged family come to help, she must confront their dark past and this new family she never expected to embrace.Keyla lives with her father on the island of Providencia, a former “land of pirates” in the Colombian Car…
- Maxxisalegionnaireturnedmercenary.WhenamissioninSouthAmericagoeswrongMaxxisleftfordead,butheisnursedbacktohealthandrebornwithanewoutlookonlife.Hetriestolivetranquillywithintheconfinesofhisnewbeliefssurroundedbyhisnewfriendsatachurch.Buthispeacefuldaysareshort-livedwhenmercenariesheusedtoworkwithcrosshispathagainandheis…
- The star of the hit series, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, Sunshine embarks on a new adventure with her best pal, Nolan and a new sidekick Andrew. They head to Portland, Oregon in search of her favorite urban legend, Black Eyed Kids. Here they meet several witnesses who have seen BEK. This is a whole new adventure for …