In Cambodia still haunted by the crimes of the Khmer Rouges, a 45 years old French crossdresser, Mirinda, lives as a prostitute in the backstreets of Phnom Penh. Meeting a young trafficked girl, he gradually discovers the feeling of fatherhood.
澳大利亚电视荧屏上有望首次出现多数角色是同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者(LGBT)的高中校园剧,制片方于25日圣诞节发布了首支预告片,试播集已进入后期制作阶段。这部独立制作的电视剧名为“Subject to Change”(大意为“如有变更”),背景设在劳工阶层聚居的郊区,主线是当地高中三位好朋友的校园生活,他们分别是敏感腼腆有洁癖的本(Ben)、超…
When Hannah returns home to her estranged Father to piece together the circumstances of her Mother's death, she discovers an ancient occult tool Yantra, used by Tantriks in India. Hannah then uncovers a deadly curse from the past.