- The American musician Rickie falls in love with the prostitute Sara, who pretends to be a princess. As they escape together, Rickie gets into a dangerous adventure...
- Ann, a very attractive woman, after his man's sudden death becomes the owner of a booming advertising agency called Image. Dario, its good-looking manager, conquers Ann to lay a trap for her agency. Then Katrin, a blond, naive photo model, appears on the scene and the matter becomes complicated...
- Follows 41-year-old Christine on her quest for happiness. Together with her husband and her teenage daughter, she goes on holiday on the beautiful island of Ischia. There she finds herself having an identity crisis due to the arrival of the long lost love of her youth and her lover and his wife.
- 身兼演员、监制多种身份的丹麦导演索伦·朱尔·彼得森,这回自编自导首部剧情长片,讲述两名在荒郊野外加油站值大夜班的女员工,随着怪客逐一上门,怪事陆续发生,她们才惊觉自己登上虐杀直播秀。影片巧妙将网路与窥看文化,放大成直播观众与屠杀者的共谋,鞭辟入里却又紧张万分,全片加起来不到五个场景,却毫无冷场,最后的结局更让人不寒而栗…