- Captain Alexis Komninos manages to escape from the Germans, and, with the help of the Reverend Father Synesios, he reaches the Middle East headquarters in Cairo. He takes on his responsibilities and enters into a relationship with the beautiful Maria, from whom he does not hide the fact that he is already married. Mean…
- 50 Years after World War II Hitler's deadly 'The Windsor Protocol' turns up. This document shouldn't be in wrong hands, so the British call upon a smart criminal to retain [email protected]
- Mail <[email protected]> for translation. Ki ne ismerne Mora Ferenc meghitt hangulatu novellajat a kis Bicebocarol, az oreg Kusmodi bacsirol, s a kincskereso kiskodmonrol? Az obanya egy veletlen baleset kovetkezteben felrobban, Biceboca orokre elvesziti egyetlen tamaszat, Kusmodi bacsit. Ferkoek befogadjak a ki…