- The story unfolds on post-apocalyptic Earth, after a meteorite collision nearly wipes out all human civilization after setting off nuclear weapons. Following this catastrophe, Connor MacLeod (the protagonist of the original film) and other Immortals swear to renounce the Game of fighting each other until only one Immor…
- "The story of Istvan (Gyorgy Cserhalmi) which began in the first film of a projected trilogy by director Miklos Jancso, Magyar Rapszodia, is continued here in Allegro Barbaro. The trilogy was intended to tell the story of Hungary from 1900 to shortly after World War II. The first film ended shortly after the concl…
- It is the 15th c. in Hungary. And young prince Gaspar (Laszlo Galffy) was sent off to Italy when he was just two years old, and now he has come back to his father's castle as a grown man, with a troupe of actors in tow. Once arrived at the castle, he discovers his mother is in a kind of trance state, reportedly drinkin…
- 由两位重复出现的人物串起来的五个故事:挖坟人Kapa和Pepe。在第一个故事中,导演和两位编剧作为人物出现。被暗杀后,他们的骨灰被这两个傻里傻气的挖坟人混在一起了。在另一个故事中,一位富人说服了一个穷人不要杀自己,结果却自杀了。在第三个故事中,乡村别墅里的人们沉思匈牙利的历史、革命和暴力……