搜索 Milenko

  • 幽暗荒芜的非法边境,两个父亲来此寻找他们的孩子,一个只想把意外死亡的儿子带回故乡安葬,但却付不出钱买回被盗占的尸体;一个希望失踪的女儿一切安好,但却发现难以忍受的心碎事实。意外、死亡、犯罪、强暴、凌辱......,一切的追寻都走向宿命的哀伤,他们的生命也在无边无尽的苦难汪洋中,寻找着最后一片救赎的浮木,绝望中,幻想着希望的曙…
  • Bor, Serbia, once the largest copper mine, now just the biggest hole in Europe. Small union protests are going on. Toda and Stefan are best friends, skaters, who spend their first summer after finishing high school. Stefan's going to Belgrade to the University in fall. Toda says he wouldn't apply to the University even…
  • 1979年,南斯拉夫贝尔格莱德,当南斯拉夫总统铁托在古巴处理国际问题时,一个神秘的“幽灵”占据了贝尔格莱德。每天晚上,这个“幽灵”都会用偷来的白色保时捷在城市街道上展示他的驾驶技术。通过无线电广播,“幽灵”公开的向警察挑战。超过一万人在街道上支持他们的英雄。警察被迫陷入一场由“幽灵”设计的游戏。“幽灵”成了政府的威胁。这场…
  • 1968年柏林国际电影节金熊奖提名,前南黑浪潮电影运动中的杰作之一。A disabled man takes on the system when his pension is tied up in a morass of red tape. His story is revealed on a television program, and the star of the show is admonished for trying to inc…
  • 转自imdbA bitter coming-of-age story about boy who grows up in a remote Bosnian village shortly after the WW II.
  • “巴尔干快车”乐队的几名成员在爆炸中侥幸逃脱,但受到纳粹的追捕。他们陆续逃到另个城市,在一家名为“玛丽沙龙”的妓院隐藏了下来,他们一方面偷盗德军的军需品,进行黑市交易,为自己逃离筹措经费,另一方面利用妓院和乐队做掩护,为游击队提供德军的情报,同时搭救盟军飞行员、波兰犹太人,最后他们成功地偷盗了一架德军飞机,逃脱了纳粹的…
  • 当一名战士死去,一颗星星就诞生了,当一群星星诞生时,我们就会死去。小孩子都被古老的传说和老人的故事迷住了……
  • 故事发生在一座名为克拉古耶瓦兹的小镇中,该镇的生活在德国军队到来之前非常幸福。但德国军队的到来改变了一切,许多男人离家去参加游击队,或因拒绝与德军合作而失去工作。这使得孩子们被迫承担家庭的重担,他们必须找出各种方法来维持生计。比利亚克的父亲留下一封信,加入了游击队,因此照顾母亲和妹妹的责任落在了比利亚克的肩上。刚开始,…
  • An experimental Serbian film coming from the Alternative Film and Video Archives. There isn't much to tell about this one, you really have to see it. I can't tell you the plot, because it's the only thing that this film has got. If you don't like experimental, skip. Don't expect to see a film with regular storyline. Do…