搜索 Miljkovic

  • 老大哥(塞尔维亚版)
    Big Brother takes place entirely within the confines of the Big Brother House. It's essentially a competition between the house mates, the object of which is to be the last remaining house mate in the House. At least one house mate will leave the House every week by a process of nomination and public eviction. Housemat…
  • 打击女巫坏后母,化身超级英雄救我爸!不起眼的10岁男孩,患有轻度脑性麻痹,不仅日常生活行动受限,也感受到父母和同学对自己视而不见。尽管如此,他和所有男孩一样,都热爱超级英雄。于是他为自己创造分身,想象自己是英雄人物,而且拥有超能力。不过,这所有一切,因为男孩班上出现新同学,瞬间有了巨变。来到男孩班上的新同学,是果决又勇气…