- Gemma Chan, the star of Humans , explores Artificial Intelligence, and builds an AI version of herself. Are AI humans just around the corner, and can Robot Gemma convince anyone she's the real Gemma?
- The shot-on-video production begins as multi-millionaire Alfred Stein is kept awash in liquor and bimbo as he bets over his head...not with it. He refuses to pay his tab of a million dollars to the criminal casino. He is soon shocked to discover Vivian, his bratty, tennis-playing teen daughter has been kidnapped by a s…
- 32岁的俄罗斯人伊利亚·奈舒勒并非科班出身,原来是玩音乐的,曾组建过一支庞克乐队叫做“Biting Elbows”,差不多两年前他为乐队拍摄了一支MV叫做“Bad Motherfucker”放到了Youtube上,结果获得几千万的播放量,一炮而红。于是导演众筹25万美元,促成了完全第一人称视角的长片《硬核亨利》的诞生。
- The Forgotten King follows the tale of one of the most powerful Middle Eastern kings ever lived. His quest for control and territory revolutionized the region, extending change right through to the heart of Europe. This compelling tale exhibits Love, Courage, Dominance, Honour and Betrayal, Written by Lewis Alsamari