搜索 Miskin

  • 在战火频繁的阿富汗,一名阿富汗男子与一名马来西亚国际人道主义工作者之间逐渐产生感情
  • The film tells a story about striking affair in the eccentric world of public relations, advertising, commercial and TV. It's a black comedy about hypertrophied image in today's society.
  • Low Lights - is a story of people trapped by the routine of acity life, longing of closeness, romance and heartiness. Made-up night driving ritualsprovoke to create a new universe, the banal and familiar maze of streets re-emergeswith fresh unworn sensations, warm and human. Their night journey is short as a blinkof an…
  • 电影剧情
    公元120年,全盛时期的罗马帝国正准备入侵亚洲,但远东霸主中国想要独自掌控这片土地,他们绝不会向罗马帝国屈服,让出一分一厘的土地。对权力的渴求只能通过饮血来纾解,获得飨足。中古时代陆地上两个最强大的国家之间的冲突一触即发,它们的碰撞将会创造出前所未有的伟大而神秘的传奇。 本片讲述了在这样的文化背景下,亚历山大大帝后裔、一位…