搜索 Mita

  • Three college students disappear in a remote village dominated by caste politics. An army officer, and a CBI officer, are sent to investigate the high profile case which has become a burning national issue.
  • 宫女玛雅自幼陪伴着公主长大,她出落得比公主漂亮,也比公主更擅长歌舞,这让公主心生妒忌,因此处处苛待玛雅。公主即将嫁给邻国的王子,为了报复公主,玛雅婚礼前夜诱惑并且得到了王子的身体。比基一直暗中爱慕着玛雅,得知玛雅的无耻行径,愤怒的他将一切都告诉了国王,最终,玛雅被赶出了皇宫,流落街头。无处可去的玛雅邂逅了宫廷雕刻师杰基…
  • Gangoobai, a childless, elderly widow, has lived her whole life in the tiny colonial hill station of Matheran. This is her story to redeem the destruction of her dreams, and set her life on a path that surpasses anything that she could ever have imagined
  • A story of false hopes and deceit in a world where innocence in sin.Cathy thought she was having the time of her life when Nick, the school's heartthrob suddenly noticed her and started giving her special attention.She was, after all, a very shy person who is as ordinary as the rest. Little did she know that she was th…
  • 电影战争
    1933年,抗日战争的战火在长城一线蔓延。华北军某部团长武占元(范雨林 饰)由于作战负伤,被派往远离正面战场相对平静的太平谷驻守,却不想村民与战士之间摩擦不断。村中的寡妇水花(李梅可 饰)也在此时走进了武占元的视线。不期而至的鬼子打破了村中百年的宁静。原来,武占元率部驻扎的并不是太平谷,而是战略要地太平峪。面对日军的大规模进…
  • 不久前刚刚得知自己怀孕的艾玛(布丽特·摩根 Brit Morgan 饰),怀着异样复杂的心情随同尚不知情的男友麦克(希斯·戴维·米切尔 Seth David Mitchell 饰)来到一处位于雪山冰原之间的小镇度假。无垠旷野,万籁俱寂,看似一切都是那么浪漫美好,但是他们驾驶雪地摩托时遭遇事故,二人相互搀扶,勉强回到帐篷。在完全没有信号的深山腹地,麦克他…
  • This classic film is based on a classic Urdu short story 'Aanandi' by Pakistani writer Ghulam Abbas. It deals with a brothel at the heart of a city, in an area that some politicians want for its prime locality. They rally up against the brothel and its inhabitants in the name of morality, and soon everyone in the area …
  • 电影动画
    童年时期的一个盛夏,女孩子面码(茅野爱衣 配音)死于意外。这件突如其来的死亡事件,深深刺痛了她的五个儿时玩伴——仁太、安鸣、雪集、鹤见子以及波波。六人组成的秘密基地“超和平Busters”就此解散,活着的五人带着无法弥补的创伤各自疏远各自长大。十年后,面码居然以一种只有仁太能看见的形式,带着一个想要实现的愿望回来了。\r\n …