搜索 Mladenovic

  • It's based on the story of a crisis that took place in the summer of 2017 in the life of Mladenovic, a Serbian-born director living in Romania.
  • Adi, a young anthropologist recently left by his girlfriend, moves to Ferentari (the poorest neighborhood in Bucharest) to write a study on manele music (the pop music of the Roma community). While researching his subject, he meets Alberto, a Roma ex-convict who promises to help him. Soon, the two begin a romance in wh…
  • 故事发生在一座名为克拉古耶瓦兹的小镇中,该镇的生活在德国军队到来之前非常幸福。但德国军队的到来改变了一切,许多男人离家去参加游击队,或因拒绝与德军合作而失去工作。这使得孩子们被迫承担家庭的重担,他们必须找出各种方法来维持生计。比利亚克的父亲留下一封信,加入了游击队,因此照顾母亲和妹妹的责任落在了比利亚克的肩上。刚开始,…
  • 电影剧情