搜索 Moghaddam

  • 电影剧情
  • Tehran: seven Iranian transsexuals who live pieces of their own lives on the screen. Boys who like to be girls and a girl with a boy’s spirit and energy. Their spirits are not at one with their bodies, and this is a problem more forceful a…
  • 这部电影讲述的一对年轻的夫妇准备去墨尔本继续他们的研究,然而就飞机起飞之前,他们被牵涉进一桩悲剧性事件……
  • 首都第一季
    A family from a county are planning to migrate to Tehran but upon arrival in Tehran which coincided with the Eide Norouz and they are e ncountered with problems that casue of strange events.(http://en.dramawiki.ir/Capital#Season_4)
  • 独裁者手册
    Dictator's Playbook They were ruthless men with unchecked power, controlling their people with an iron fist. Suppressing all dissent, they demanded absolute loyalty, jailing, or killing those who opposed them. They ruled by force of personality, but were plagued by secret fears and private demons. They were dictators -…