- 1991年.鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·叶利钦于别墅中得知戈尔巴乔夫被软禁……根据苏维埃领导的声明,成立了苏联国家紧急状态委员会(ГКЧП СССР),而亚纳耶夫宣布代理苏联总统职责。很多人建议流亡国外,但叶利钦决定——他去莫斯科白宫,以领导反对派……我们记得那些天发生了些什 么事件?新闻图片、亚纳耶夫颤抖的手、花园环路上翻倒的无轨…
- As she works in her tedious office job, Maria Ivanovna dreams about being married, and she has particular hopes that her co-worker Nikodim Mityushin will take an interest in her. Nikodim, though, is in love with Zina, who sells cigarettes on the sidewalk, and he frequently buys cigarettes from her even though he does n…