Set in modern-day Los Angeles, Peacock’s successful one-hour drama series Bel-Air imagines the beloved sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air through a new, dramatic take on Will’s complicated journey from the streets of West Philadelphia to t…
Peacock宣布一口气预订《茶煲表哥闯江湖 Bel-Air》两季,这部一小时剧是改编自Morgan Cooper的粉丝向同名短片,短片角色来自Will Smith主演的喜剧《茶煲表哥 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air》,不过采用了黑色﹑剧集化手法重新演绎。 Morgan Cooper会担任剧集版导演,与Chris Collins同为编剧。
Peacock宣布一口气预订《茶煲表哥闯江湖 Bel-Air》两季,这部一小时剧是改编自Morgan Cooper的粉丝向同名短片,短片角色来自Will Smith主演的喜剧《茶煲表哥 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air》,不过采用了黑色﹑剧集化手法重新演绎。 Morgan Cooper会担任剧集版导演,与Chris Collins同为编剧。