- The villains from the popular animated Disney films are gathered at the House of Mouse with plans to take over. Soon, the villains take over the house and kick out Mickey, Donald and Goofy. It's all up to Mickey and his friends to overthrow evil and return the House of Mouse to normal--or as close to normal as it get's…
- 抗日战争爆发,徐坚白 (张扬) 仍沉醉儿女私情, 史亚南 (叶枫) 下嫁给他, 南离开坚白前往投军。 那边厢, 兰 (尢敏) 加入战地救护队, 秋明则加入劳军歌舞团。 兰在战地上救回差点被当成阵亡士兵的坚白。 兰知道坚白心系于亚南, 竟往访后者, 要求她探望坚白, 与此同时, 她自己的病情也急转直下……\r\n 本集故事极尽曲折浪漫之能事, …