- This film came out shortly after Who drummer Keith Moon's death and as such, is a hybrid between a tribute to his work with the band and what it was probably originally intended to be, a collection of performances and material showcasing their development through their first quarter-century.There are some great live pe…
- 朱兰早与富家子徐坚白(张扬)相恋。朱兰自幼父母双亡,由叔婶养大,但叔婶却因贪财而将她许配予同村的军人李志忠(朱牧)。坚白在外地求学,假期回乡与兰每晚相聚,被人发现,李志忠的父母闻讯,要求退婚,叔父(吴家骧)怒掴兰,被志忠阻拦,兰感动不已。\r\n 秋明心仪坚白,主动相邀。晚饭后坚白突感不适,秋明将他接回家中静养,亲侍汤药…