- 被称为伦敦维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆史上销售最火爆的展览之一,“大卫·鲍伊 is”被《时代》周刊形容为“时尚并粗粝着”。纪录片带领观众跟随日本时尚设计师山本宽斋、英国Britpop代表人物贾维斯·考科尔以及其他重要合作伙伴的脚步,去发掘鲍伊艺术生涯中的重要物品及其背后的故事,开启一段神奇之旅。
- 蒙巴顿伯爵的一生,可以拍一部长达六个小时的好莱坞大片而绝不枯燥,二战的东南亚战区最高司令,印巴分治的策划者,夫妻同尼赫鲁的三角恋,一场叛国阴谋的主角,最后被爱尔兰共和军暗杀,跟欧洲数十个皇室的亲戚关系....他的一生太戏剧了
- Jane Fonda narrates the story of the years between the ascent of talkies until late in 1934, when the Hays Office cracked down on what it perceived as immorality in Hollywood movies. The emphasis is on how women were portrayed, and focuses on how they were much more liberated and equal (or superior) to men, until 1935 …