搜索 Motta

  • 西瓦(西瓦卡迪克亚饰演)是一个戏剧演员,总在梦想有朝一日能成为像拉吉尼坎塔那样的超级巨星。然而,由于他缺乏表演技巧,阻碍了他的梦想之路。西瓦遇到了卡薇雅医生(基尔丝·苏雷什饰演),他对她一见钟情。为了接近卡薇雅,西瓦把自己伪装成护士睿莫,两人建立起了深厚的友谊,还设计让卡薇雅爱上了真实的自己。西瓦向卡薇雅求婚,卡薇雅被…
  • 电影生活
    该电影由6个小短片组成,风格撩人到欲罢不能,拍摄手法细腻,细节捕捉到位,所以更能触动人心,堪比微含蓄的软Porn。这些短片可能只是生活中的小插曲,可能是故事的结局,you'll never know~~~ (by 小浅@悸花网)
  • Animals across the world have risen up and turned on humanity. A determined pizza delivery driver sets out on a perilous cross-country road trip to reunite with the woman he almost lost his virginity to. Accompanied by his friends, they make their way battling hordes of blood-thirsty animals!
  • Nopumoceno, the most successful businessman in the Cabo Verde archipelogo, is an ambitious, clever opportunist, known during his lifetime as "eternity single". However, he is then discovered by his illegitimate daughter to have gotten his fortune and his women in unorthodox and incredible ways ...
  • Biography of one of the legendary names in the Samba genre of Brazilian music. Although he could hardly dance or play an instrument, he became one of the main composers of Portela, an important Samba "school" in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Walter Salles早年拍摄的音乐纪录片,关于巴西最著名的新民歌音乐家Chico Buarque de Hollanda。A look into the 25 years of career of famous musician Chico Buarque and his influence in Brazilian culture.
  • 阿芝本是一个杰出的小提琴家。只是由于他一心研究他的小提琴,而忽视了与他人的交往,这一切使得妻子离他而去,甚至与经纪人也弄翻了。于是在连续几次同样的事情发生后,他沦落到不得在地铁里卖艺为生。虽然也有人准备帮助他东山再起,可他的确心恢意冷。于是在炎热的夏天,阿芝的琴声似一缕轻风拂过为生活工作而在地铁里奔忙的人们。而在寒冷的…