- 于未来的某个时间和地方,人气歌唱组合双翼举行了风靡万千歌迷的演唱会,岂料演唱第一首歌曲以后,会场就突然被大量谜之敌人Noise攻击.双翼的成员风鸣翼和天羽奏等不及总部发出命令,果断地展现出她们最根本的SYMPHOCAL战斗形态……其中一名歌迷立花响见证整件事的发生,亦因此牵连在内,成就了两年后完全不同的她……
- A man murders his co-worker. He does not have anyone to turn to except for his older brother who he has been avoiding for a while. His brother comes, takes his crime and let him go as a free man. In an instant, fortunes of the two men switches. Eventually the older brother chooses to die in order to pay the crime. What…
- 毫无征兆的一天,杂音(Noise)突然袭来,与以往专注攻击人类相比,此次杂音似乎更有潜在的目的。曾在射月事件立下赫赫战功的雪音克莉丝(高垣彩阳 配音)与立花响(悠木碧 配音)通力配合,击败了杂音这一波的攻势,同时意识到太古遗产所罗门之杖才是这群杂音真正的目标。另一方面,世界歌姬玛丽亚(日笠阳子 配音)受邀来日,与风鸣翼(水树奈…
- Singer Olive Oyl needs an accompanist, and both Popeye and Bluto apply for the job.
- "It's the musical equivalent of climbing Everest, trekking through the South Pole, sending a man to the moon."Requiring two orchestras, four brass bands, five choirs and six-hundred people, the Gothic Symphony by English composer Havergal Brian is recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records as the larges…
- 2009年BBC逍遥音乐节终场之夜闭幕盛典在9月12日晚上7点30分举行。由BBC交响乐团首席客座指挥——美国人大卫•罗伯森执棒,他在圣路易斯交响乐团的出色工作,令该团跻身美国一流乐团行列。当今炙手可热的小号美女巴尔松演奏海顿的名作《小号协奏曲》,马勒早期声乐作品《浪游者之歌》则由英国次女高音莎拉•柯诺丽演绎。2009年还是英国作曲家坎特…