- 为了准备学校音乐会的演出,大雄埋头苦练他并不擅长的竖笛。这时,他的面前出现了一位神秘的外星少女米佳,她格外中意大雄吹出来的跑调的笛声,于是米佳引领哆啦A梦和伙伴们来到了以音乐为能量的外星球上的一座音乐殿堂。就在这时,一种能够令音乐从世界上消失的神秘生命体突然降临,地球陷入危机……!哆啦A梦和伙伴们究竟能否拯救音乐的未来和…
- A “double bill” of two Russian operatic masterpieces. Legendary bass Evgeny Nesterenko stars in the title role of Aleko (1892), an early work of Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), written the composer was still a student at the Moscow Conser…
- Entertaining Vitaphone short has Dick Rich leading his band as a few other acts take the stage with them.
- LONDON SYMPHONY is a brand new silent film - a city symphony - which offers a poetic journey through the city of London. It is an artistic snapshot of the city as it stands today, and a celebration of its culture and diversity.