搜索 Mykola

  • A young man's confusion in present times. The protagonist is looking for answers to questions that are relevant to many of his peers, coming of age in between a nostalgic socialist childhood and ideas pushed by a young democracy, relentlessly rushing forward
  • This drama documentary for cinema explores the pacifism that was such a powerful influence on composer Benjamin Britten’s life and work. The story begins in 1929 at Gresham’s School in Norfolk, England. The brilliant seventeen year old Ale…
  • 伟大卫国战争即将胜利,一队红军侦察兵接受了重要任务:从敌人那里夺取多瑙河雷区地图·····
  • 1921年。甲方将其最考验战士学会了农场,打造年轻态工人。但nedobyti团伙计划袭击的城市。在锻炼也是不错的。不同的人在一起,它们涉及到新的挑战不同的方式...替代摘要:1921年。布尔什维克俄罗斯正在试图利用乌克兰的控制权。共产党将其特殊的课程专员,以了解如何更好地管理群众。与此同时,城市规划他们的攻击叛军。在演习不那么简单。不同…
  • 一个建筑师,在丛林中建立起世外桃源般的小屋。安静而小心地尊重着这个本来并不属于自己的领域。遇到美丽的Dominyka。与她的朋友们一起来到林间的小屋庆祝生日。似有似无的爱情。只是第一次挽着手走过长长的路。在Dominyka的作家朋友的故事中,假想成为主角。木头和植物的美丽颜色,风景画的色彩。
  • A story tells about five students and their professor from Kyiv archaelogical Institute. They are going to the trip to nearby forest. There they find a pit closed with rusty grid... The film is quite funny, but trying to look scary, increasing the suspense. But the suspense is weak, because the things happening on the …
  • 大地的女孩第二季
  • Propala hramota (Ukrainian: Пропала Грамота, The lost letter) is a 1972 Soviet musical-comedy film by Dovzhenko Film Studios in Kiev. It is one of many films which were eventually banned by the Soviet censorship. It was broadcast onl…