- The film tells the story of Jack Filice Jr., an heir to a Hollywood Italian-American dynasty. As his father, Jack Sr.(played Tony-award winning Joe Mantegna), lays dying, he asks his only son to preserve the family estate, and to never tear it down. The pact is made, but within a year, the cocky young music producer, d…
- Chandni (Urmila Matondkar), a lower class talented night club singer and dancer, who happens to be religious, and well mannered, lives an unfortunate life with her three aunts, who dominate her life, and with a weak maternal grandmother. She dances for a living because it is the only way she can support her poor family…
- Three college girls out of a group on a tour decide against advice to detour for a weekend at a relative's posh villa. While on their private beach they are accosted by three young men. Since two of them Pier Luigi (Cantafora) and Bruno (Prete) are good-looking the girls unwisely invite them to stay for the weekend. It…