- Prime Alexander is a professional athlete living the life most men dream of. He has a huge guaranteed contract, beautiful women chasing him and the best friends a man could ask for. He's used to getting what he wants, when he wants it and doesn't believe in explaining himself to anyone, especially Autumn, the beautiful…
- Comedy about a man (Tognazzi) who is sentenced to life imprisonment mainly because of a woman's (Vitti) testimony, but she later marries him during his sentence.
- After the fall of Nazi Germany, some of the most sadistic SS officers escapeto South America. There they build a fort where they imprison women andforce them to perform various sexual acts. A group of people who are lookingfor revenge, sends a commando unit to the fort to eradicate the sadists onceand for all.
- 电影《骊靬情》是由中央电视台电影频道与金昌市人民政府联合拍摄的金昌首部实景电影。电影讲述的是意大利姑娘莫妮卡曾与男友相约到中国丝绸之路度蜜月,但因与男友情变,悲愤之下只身来到丝绸之路,与沉迷于“寻找消失的古罗马军团”的金昌绿洲旅行社导游罗西相遇。莫妮卡意大利人的身份吸引了罗西,罗西愿意为她当导游,两人便开始了骊靬之旅。…
- Three teenagers, who sexually abused a mentally retarded girl, are being stalked and brutally murdered by an unknown serial killer seeking vengeance......