Bosnian Serb mountainous village is divided between Chetniks and Communist-led Partizans during the WWII. Hateread and violence between the neighbours ia a sinister prelude to war that will errupt in Bosnia two years after the production of film.
一位意大利老先生到斯洛文尼亚海滨城市皮兰去看他出生的地方。在那里他遇到一位波斯尼亚先生和一位斯洛文尼亚女人,他们在五十年前的第二次世界大战末期有过类似的悲惨经历。三段交错着感人至深的爱情传奇伴随着迥异而非比寻常人生故事从此展开……An old Italian man visits a house in the Slovenian seaside city Pir…