- From Sandai, a teenage girl (Yuka Asai) writes to her friend in France. She met Jean Franasi on a visit to France. We hear her letters as she writes them. However when Jean comes to visit Tokyo for work and we hear his thoughts, it transpires that their feelings towards each other do not match.
- 第65回NHK红白歌会主持人于10日正式发表,由岚和女演员吉高由里子(26)担任,吉高是首次担任红白歌会的主持人,而岚则凭借连续第五年担任主持人成为红白歌会担任主持人次数最多的司仪。第65回NHK红白歌会将于12月31日晚7时15分到11时45分播出。