搜索 Naufahu

  • 婆婆做了一个梦,梦里是美好的旧日时光,大家在一起唱歌聚餐。管他是否回光返照,她决定也要办一场热闹的盛宴,而且所有孙子孙女都得出席,因为她将正式宣布继承人选。终於,亲友团纷纷报到,但宴会还没开始,就已经波折不断……
  • Part businessman, part rogue, Grief never runs from a fight and dreams of striking it rich one day. He seeks adventure and finds trouble in the exotic and dangerous world of the South Sea Islands, where smugglers, fortune tellers and fortune hunters, medicine men, privateers and beggars all rub shoulders. There no one …