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  • 故事开始于戈梅拉岛上的一片森林之中,在这里,一具年轻男子的尸体被发现了,之后,一名嫌疑犯遭到了逮捕,但因为缺乏关键性的证据,最终,这名嫌犯获得了无罪判决,这桩案件也就此成为了悬案。  一晃眼3年过去,当这起悲剧逐渐被众人埋没在记忆的灰尘之下时,调查局检察官贝维拉卡(基姆·古铁雷斯 Quim Gutiérrez 饰)和他的助手查莫洛(奥…
  • Frontline investigates the problems that occur between the legal system and the psychiatric community in the documentary A Crime of Insanity. The program focuses on the controversial case of SUNY psychology student Ralph Tortorici. In December of 1994, he was arrested for taking a classroom hostage using a knife and a …
  • A prestigious fairytale illustrator is hired by the psychiatric hospital director. His job there will be to decorate the hospital walls with his drawings to improve the place's atmosphere. It seems like an easy task but things get complicated when the sketcher discovers a dark corridor from where chilling screams come …
  • 电影爱情
  • 电影剧情
    法国审计员阿兰(格莱戈尔·科林 Gregoire Colin 饰)抵达纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫机场,但让他感到困惑的是,这个机场看似没有飞机、没有乘客,却仍然坚持运营。受到各种压力的影响,阿兰的任务是评估这个机场是否能够对公众开放。随着他深入调查,阿兰逐渐了解到纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的另一面,这是大多数人所不知的。他被这里居民的坚持和固执所感动,…
  • 电影原声
    男人如海,远飏漂浪;女人是树,荫蔽家园。这是一则反溯家族记忆的私密创作,从最初两人的深情往复书简,顺此而成的生命诞造,以及其后伴怀自然、温柔照料的哺育子女。在女人温柔如巨树分枝的照料之下,孩子如鸟,学习飞翔,体会那苍穹万物。但在巨树倒下的一刻,雏鸟被迫变形成长,从此在漫长失亲的岁月里,想念至亲、凭悼失落的自己。 以印象…
  • 电影生活
  • Alex becomes infatuated with Vika without her knowing. What happens when he plucks up the courage to show his feelings?