搜索 Neistat

  • Van and Casey Neistat, two artists and filmmakers based in New York, began their careers in 2000, when the iMac DV first allowed consumers to edit video. Since then, a number of their projects - including ‘iPod's Dirty Secret,' which lampooned Apple's battery-replacement policy - have gained tremendous notoriety online…
  • 憑著網路交友就墜入情網的思春少年羅根,眼看就要和雲端女友進入最後高潮,卻不斷受到室友們的干擾而中止,更在眾人莫名地起鬨之下,決定鼓起勇氣克服兒時陰影,搭機前往澳洲參加一場「標籤博覽會」。據說在這場博覽會,不論是想憑著社交軟體出名的內心渴望,或是尋求他人滿足生理需求,都可以在那裡達成心願!各種慾望衝腦的年輕人們二話不說地…
  • The artist Tom Sachs and his team of bricoleurs build a handmade space program and send two female astronauts to Mars.