搜索 Nicastro

  • In the titillating Italian sex comedy Cugini carnali (1974), there isn't much to do in the sleepy rural hamlet that Nico (Alfredo Pea) calls home. As a result, there's a lot of sleeping around to stave off the boredom. Unfortunately the bashful Nico doesn't get nearly as much action as he'd like. Enter Sonja: The beaut…
  • 年轻正义的探长索米尔无疑是编导心目中的英雄。他忠于职守,抓住线索,穷追不舍,伸张正义与维护法制,即使这案子涉及了石油大王马丁内堤,哪怕危及自己的前途命运,他也在所不惜。而对于下层无辜的受害者,如妓女托尼希娜则充满了谅解与同情。他的正义感与大无畏的勇气赢得了他的女友、女记者马丽娅的尊敬与帮助,使他断线结网,取得了重要的罪…
  • 青春的叛逆、夢醒的苦澀,一段痛苦卻充滿美好友情回憶的成長歷程。亞歷山卓的母親因未婚生子,強烈的罪惡感及不堪的過去令她精神產生錯亂,記憶總是停留在亞歷山卓五歲時;無所適從的他不知該如何面對母親,只好選擇逃避。死黨費迪家中有個問題父親,因不甘心自己將大半輩子奉獻給工廠,最後卻弄得滿身病痛,每每酗酒鬧事搞得男孩有家歸不得………
  • Maurizio Merli and Tomas Milian star in probably the most typical, yet completely enjoyable Italian crime movie by Umberto Lenzi. With a blazing soundtrack by Franco Micalizzi and some exciting camerawork by Federico Zanni, this film is fast-paced and furious although the narrative makes relatively little sense. This r…