- Born in 1935, in Ibaragi Prefecture. Jonouchi entered the Art Department of Nihon University; in 1957, along with his colleague Katsumi Hirano, he co-founded the Film Study Group in the Fine Art Department of Nihon University. He co-directed “The Record of N [N no Kiroku]” (59), the second production by the collective,…
- 由于不堪忍受老师和妈妈的责骂,大雄决定实施第n次出走计划。与此同时,胖虎、小夫、静香也因为各种各样的原离家出走。小伙伴们凑在一起,但拥挤狭窄的现代都市没有他们的立锥之地。在哆啦A梦的帮助下,他们乘坐时光机来到7万年前的日本。当时这片土地上渺无人烟,绿草晴空,空气清新。小伙伴们展开想象,营造属于自己的快乐家园。 偶然间,他们…