- Dhanushkodi, the Indo-Sri Lankan border town, is the crucible wherein History is brewing this concoction of defeated lives and exhausted dreams. Manimekalai, the filmmaker, Soori, a half-wit Sri Lankan Tamil Refugee, Munusamy, the fisherman, Rosemary, the social worker in Jesuit Christian Refugee Services, try hard to …
- http://www.oddsac.com/Opening with torch-wielding villagers and a wall bleeding oil, ODDSAC attaches vivid scenery and strange characters to the wonderful melodic wavelengths of the band Animal Collective, revitalizing the lost form of the “visual album.” Working on the project for three years with friend Danny Perez, …
- 两名日本男子帮助一名越战逃兵从日本逃到瑞典。他们计划通过出售迷幻药来为逃跑提供资金。毒品交易的消息传开后,他们发现自己必须抵挡敌对帮派的攻击,少女真子的姐妹帮派也被牵扯其中。