- TVアニメ『鴨乃橋ロンの禁断推理』 2nd Season 鋭意制作中!! TVアニメ1st Season、閉幕。 そして2nd Seasonが始動──!! ロンを狙うM家の思惑とは・・・! 続報をお待ち下さい!
- 在世界顶尖侦探学校·青蓝被誉为天才的鸭乃桥论,因患上某个致命“缺陷”,被剥夺了成为侦探的资格。在度过一段怀才不遇的岁月后,与警视厅搜查一课的一色都都丸——外号“都都”的相遇,极大改变了他的命运。论负责解谜,都都负责侦查,他们接连侦破疑难案件,逐渐成为了名搭档。青蓝内部也有论的理解者在两眼发光地关注着他的动向。其中一人就…
- John teaches spanish in Taiwan. And he is Korean. He wants to help students to communicate better. But ironically he himself is poor at communicating. He always has hard time to get along with others in daily life. One day, he realizes that he doesn't like talking with others but talking to himself. So he gets confused…
- A passionate photographer, who gets stuck in a terror-stricken atmosphere, tries to save himself and his family from an unknown evil force.