搜索 Nonahali

  • Story of a man who remembers nothing in a full day.
  • 电影剧情
  • 伊朗资深导演巴曼·法玛纳拉被禁拍片二十年后的第一部作品   “介于伯格曼与费里尼之间”   “来自伊朗的伍迪艾伦”   获得:2001年 柏林电影节最佳亚洲电影奖   伊斯坦布尔电影节影评人奖   蒙特利尔电影节评委会奖   导演Bahman Farmanara在79年前是影坛主要人物,因为改革浪潮的拖累,不能涉足此范围,   廿年后方可拍成此片…
  • Rejected by her parents for having a baby out of wedlock, Sougand has grown up bitter and resentful towards the world, spending her days wandering aimlessly from place to place. Her son takes after her in his rejection of authority figures, and the two enjoy a distinctly strained relationship. After several years witho…
  • Haji is severely traumatized by the war with Iraq. Back from the front, he's unable to adapt to civilian life. Despite family opposition, his fiancée stands by him as together they challenge both the authority of family and state to lead t…
  • 电影剧情
    伊朗资深导演巴曼·法玛纳拉被禁拍片二十年后的第一部作品  “介于伯格曼与费里尼之间”  “来自伊朗的伍迪艾伦”  获得:2001年 柏林电影节最佳亚洲电影奖  伊斯坦布尔电影节影评人奖  蒙特利尔电影节评委会奖  导演Bahman Farmanara在79年前是影坛主要人物,因为改革浪潮的拖累,不能涉足此范围,  廿年后方可拍成此片,可谓呕…