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  • 巴布鲁(沙鲁克·汗 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是一个孩子气而上进的年轻人,他有三个生活目标:让妈妈幸福、成为世界上最好的厨师,以及第三个目标是个谜。然而,他相依为命的妈妈却希望他继承家族传统,成为一名光荣的摔跤手。一次偶然的机会,他不仅获得了梦寐以求的好工作,成为了一家五星级酒店的主厨,还结识了美丽的女上司索尼娅(玖熹·查瓦拉…
  • Luigi is engaged to Cinzia, he has a good job and his life runs quietly. But unexpectedly his cousin Sonia knocks at his door. She lived in Venezuela with her parents but they have disappeared and she came back to Italy. She is very young and beautiful and once she loved Luigi. What is he to do?
  • 根据二战真实事件改编:32个男人和1个女人被困孤岛  安纳塔汉岛女王事件,别名“安纳塔汉事件”、“安纳塔汉岛事件”。二战中33个日本人——32个男人和一个女人比嘉和子被困在北马里亚纳群岛中安纳塔汉岛的六年间,围绕着两把手枪和唯一的女人的占有权发生了一系列死亡事件,被认为是男人相互杀戮的结果。
  • "Superimposed photography of Mr. Fleischman's butcher shop in New York, and the Kowa aroko, Oklahoma with Cognate Material. The strip is dark at the beginning and end, light in the middle, and is structured 122333221. I honor it the most of my films, otherwise a not very popular one before 1972. If the exciter lam…
  • The drama centers on Hitchcock's lost and unfinished first film, Number Thirteen. In the film, the director gets caught up in a Hitchcockian dilemma when he ends up in a love triangle with two crew members while making the film. When the lead actor turns up dead, the editor suspects the director and tries to uncover th…
  • 电影动作
  • 毁坏控制
    ABC日前已决定拍摄《毁坏控制》(暂译 Damage Control)的试播集。本剧是一部改编自漫威同名漫画的动作喜剧。据Deadline网站报道,《毁坏控制》讲述了漫威世界里的一群工作过量、工资过低的清理人员。他们是处理超级英雄发生冲突后产生的后果的专业人士。这支“毁坏控制”小队负责将丢失的镭射枪交还给失主,或修复在战斗中的损坏的镭射枪。本单…