- The Channel 4 entertainment show, which will be screened in October, is billed as a format that will bring together "a host of talent from the world of music, comedy, TV, film and sport as part of a 90-minute prime-time never-before-seen live entertainment show, empowering the nation to feel nuts and talk bollocks…
- 《失恋的人LoveH2O》是一部浪漫电影,讲述了女主Nam(Yok nutprapas饰演),一本杂志的老板,被爱情纠缠着直至失恋,因为男友突然就打电话来和她说分手。Nam就想了个办法报复前男友:挽着男生去嘲笑他。但事情并不像她想象的那样简单,因为有三个不同的男人同时走进她的生活。第一个是校园时期的密友Doc(Tony rakkan饰演),他们只要眼神…
- a movie made primarily for kids who have not seen or heard the original story, or have just enough familiarity with it that they will sit through the entire video to the end. It tries way too hard to appeal to the " 7-10 year old, bathroom talk is funny" set. Marie's character is hard to sympathize with since…