搜索 Ochoa

  • In a frat house where no one can be trusted, a new brother becomes the target of a masked killer.
  • What does it take to start your life all over again? The Teller and the Truth tells the story of the disappearance of Francis Wetherbee, a beautiful young bank teller missing since her car was found submerged in a river in 1974. Filmmaker Andrew Shapter (Before the Music Dies, Happiness Is) digs into the forty year old…
  • Romantic drama of manners. Lina, graceful schoolgirl, argues against the will of his father, Don Bernardo, a romance with Alvaro, a young bohemian who squanders his fortune. They decide to escape from parental supervision, but in the train station a beggar hurt Lina warns about the serious error being committed. He ban…
  • Counter-espionage ring of beautiful young women protects atomic secrets from the bad guys
  • 电影犯罪
    马克·沃尔伯格将与凯文·哈特携手,主演Netflix喜剧新片[唯我独尊](Me Time,暂译)。还记得令哈特一飞冲天的北美大卖作品[夜校]吗?其编剧约翰·汉博格将自编自导这部喜剧新片。影片将围绕全职奶爸(哈特饰)展开,当某天他的妻子和孩子决定远行,这位奶爸突然发现原来也会有专属于自己的时间。他随即与以往最好的朋友(沃尔伯格饰)重新建立联系…
  • 利马的一所军事学院,绰号“美洲豹”、“大棒”和“毒蛇”的三个初级班成员经常嘲讽欺辱班上的其他同学,胆小的“奴隶”也是他们强行拉入的“盟友”。为了在一次考试中过关,“美洲豹”等人偷取了考卷,不料却被为人严厉的教官康保亚中尉察觉,“奴隶”在他的追问下说出了实情。“美洲豹”对这种“背叛”不能容忍,他发誓要使“奴隶”受到惩罚。…
  • 电影