- An estranged brother and sister reunite at their father's funeral and make a spur of the moment decision to fulfill their childhood dream of driving across Mexico on their old motorbikes.
- In 2019, a man named Naveen disappears from a memorial park in Sydney while traveling with his girlfriend Cathy. Having arrived in New York two years ago, Naveen finds a job at a restaurant and meets Cathy there. As their relationship deepens, Naveen′s lies become bolder. The man known as Naveen, or Sameer, cannot tell…
- T•C• Jeffords是一个自大、冷酷的农场主,他的女儿Vency一直希望代替死去的母亲,获得父亲的爱与权力,直到一天TC带回另一个女人。Vency与父亲决裂,并最终靠自己的力量夺走了农场。
- 为了援助一位年轻的王子,赢得美丽的公主的芳心,辛巴达和他的同船水手决定联手,向这位法力高强的邪恶男巫宣战。 首先,辛巴达必须先设法取得五颗具有神奇魔力的石头,使受困的Basra城市由男巫邪恶的符咒恢复自由。然而,在这趟惊险的寻宝旅程中,可说是危机四伏,险象环生.... 当他接近亚马逊岛时,不幸被岛上女王所发现,并企图捕获他与鬼岛…
- 《尼斯大冒险》故事讲述了一直都把自己当做海鸥的小雨燕马努,在严父的要求下努力学习各种海鸥的飞翔技能,却因为总是不得要领而饱受挫折。马努心灰意冷,离家出走,却在旅途中遇到了自己的同类,并重新认识自己作为雨燕的真实身份。在雨燕和海鸥家族共同面临的一场巨大灾难面前,小雨燕马努挺身而出,成为了大家的英雄……
- A teacher at an all-girls school is suspected of being a murderer. A remake of the 1972 film, 'What Have You Done to Solange?'