- The Best Thing I Ever Ate is a program on the Food Network which premiered on June 22, 2009 (after a preview on June 20). The program originally aired as a one-time special in late 2008. The program consists of chefs picking out their favorite dishes in specific categories (such as fried foods, food with bacon, pizza, …
- TV SERIES1984 - Live action - 35 mm - 12'Direction, subject - Bruno BozzettoYear of Production - 1984Lenght - 13 slapstick comedies of 6' eachFilm - 16mm, colour - Live action - no dialogueCast - Pietro Ghislandi, Oreste Castagna, Giuseppe CellaEdition - Ugo MicheliMusics - Franco GodiThe comic silent film of the begin…
- “What is… is what will not be… appearing, and then vanishing.” Impermanence, now permanent. The entropy of truth. The truth… of entropy. As we approach the singularity. Eerily slipping through the slender corridor of now. Entropy of Trut…