- 安布罗斯扮演警探尚恩,他走出的搭档死去的伤感重新回归工作,但是却意外发现他的搭档原来是被谋杀身亡的,凶手试图将罪名陷害于他,但是尚恩极力反抗。在自己管辖的地区遭到算计的尚恩决定要揭露真凶丑恶的面目,为自己洗脱罪名。经过了12回合的搏斗,最后加上一发用以救赎的子弹,在这场激动人心的战栗片中,已经没有人能够阻挡这位寻求复仇的…
- 《Bright Lights》长达95分钟,将带领观众走近费雪与母亲雷诺斯的日常生活,纪录了她们在2014年至2015年间的故事,从费雪开拍《星球大战:原力觉醒》直至雷诺斯去年荣获演员工会终身成就奖。同样年少成名的母女二人在好莱坞的浮华世界中生活了一辈子,曾经有过不合如今却比邻而居情似闺蜜,平日里斗嘴不断又相互照顾,镜头捕捉了她们生前令人感…
- Is it humankind's greatest achievement? 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space. It is the first human-made object ever to do so. Slowly dying within its heart is a plutonium generator that will beat for perhaps another decade before the lights on Voyag…
- Takes place over a long weekend, as "John and Marlena travel to Zurich; Ben and Ciara have a romantic getaway in New Orleans; Chad visits some old friends in Phoenix; and Abe, Paulina, Lani, and Eli vacation in Miami. All find themselves embroiled in a mystery involving stolen jewels which, in the wrong hands, cou…
- An honest and unique look into what it means to be young, black, and in constant pursuit of one's dreams in the heart of South Los Angeles.