搜索 Olds

  • 电影
  • 电影
    神秘的出租车司机陈铭生(邱泽 饰)与性格清冷的文物修复师杨昭(郎月婷 饰)偶然相遇,在一场暧昧、试探、你进我退的极致拉扯中,陈铭生渐渐卸下心防。在一次旅行中,陈铭生的卧底缉毒警身份暴露,二人的感情再次面临选择,这份汹涌悸动的爱能否抵挡住命运的捉弄?卧底缉毒警陈铭⽣孤勇奋战为国牺牲,又有多少⽆名英雄日日夜夜负重前⾏,守护着…
  • 电影
    A mother and daughter deal with terminal illness and loss, in this gripping and beautifully eerie film.
  • A brilliant transplant surgeon revives the head of his recently decapitated fiancee in hopes ysgou.cc of finding her a new body.
  • Within 48 hours of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii authorities arrested several hundred local Japanese in Oahu, Maui, and Kauai. Within a few months over 2,000 men and women of Japanese ancestry were arrested, detained and incarcerated in Hawaii and later sent to the Department of Justice and War Relocation Auth…
  • 这部动画短片讲述的是一个不停长手指的女人的故事,她因身体的变异而倍感绝望。但是天无绝人之路,在一天她准备去寄信的时候,邮箱里走出了一个爱吃她手指的小矮人!2017 旧金山国际电影节 - **金门奖 · 最佳动画短片**2017 佛罗里达电影节 - **评审团奖 · 最佳动画短片**2017 安娜堡电影节- **评审团奖**这种猎奇画风在国际上得到不少好评…
  • Groups of 4, 5 and 6 year olds from around the UK are brought together to learn and to play. Observed by educational psychologists and specialists, with cameras fitted all around the school, the children fight, make friends, learn how society works, do activities and navigate the world around them.
  • On the night before Halloween, four high school friends choose to bail on the big costume party in favor of some holiday vandalizing, a choice with dire consequences.