搜索 Oum

  • 古老广袤的非洲大陆,千百年流传着一个极其残酷的习俗,这里的女孩长到一定年龄时就要接受割礼。所谓割礼,即割除女性部分或者全部的阴核以及小阴唇,再用一般针线或者荆棘缝合。全程没有任何麻醉和消毒措施,受礼者痛苦至极,且要承受着破伤风感染、艾滋病传染甚至丧命的危险。克里(Fatoumata Coulibaly 饰)是一位聪明贤良的女性,她对年轻时…
  • 在非洲的小国乍得,十五岁和八岁的两兄弟展开了千里寻亲的旅程。突然失踪的父亲遗留下无法填补的空白,他们逃学,闲荡,走过大街小巷。寻找父亲的道路愈走愈漫长,愈走愈曲折,但是他们热情不变,即使母亲把他们送往管教严厉的寄宿学校亦于事无补。虽是描写失落,却不带半点伤感。小镇生活的温馨祥和,辽阔空间的丰富色彩,两个小演员的天真演绎…
  • 史前一万年
    10,000 BC is a British reality social experiment series follows 20 British people from all walks of life as they go back to the conditions of the Stone Age and try to survive two months in the wilderness. The candidates were prepared and monitored by Klint Janulis, an archaeologist and survival expert.
  • Lebonheurd'Elza
    A young Parisian woman of Caribbean descent returns to her native island of Guadeloupe looking for the father she has never known.
  • 一个非洲部落的女王为了册封新王需要找到一条先祖的项链,部落忠仆从权势人家偷出这条项链后交给了一个在马戏团与狮子为伍的男孩,男孩将其锁在狮子身上,狮子却又要交给致力生态环境保护的科学家给予放归丛林,一条项链将他们的命运交织了起来。发生在法国与非洲小国家加蓬的故事
  • 电影生活
  • Under the French occupation, an Algerian cleric is shot dead. His two sons, frustrated by the colonial justice, prepare his revenge. For both sons their code of honor takes precedence. These ‘outlaws’ regarded as criminals in the eyes of the French, are the embodiment of Algeria’s struggle to free itself of colonial ru…